Hotel Praia do Alemão

A Hotel in the Pine Forest

This hotel unit is situated in a development area of Alvor, contributing to the consolidation of a boulevard axis parallel to the sea and located at a higher elevation: Avenida V3. Like other developments on this axis, the proposed complex moves away from the public promenade, allowing the existing trees to conceal the new built volumes. At the other end of the site is the cliff of Praia do Alemão, accessible, among other ways, via existing paths through a dense pine forest that is maintained and enhanced. Thus, the proposed complex is also hidden from the Atlantic front.

Ensuring landscape integration, the development is situated in one of the largest clearings in the pine forest, with two fronts: a hotel with 53 rooms, designed parallel to Avenida A3; and 12 villas with 36 rooms (3 per unit) distributed across terraces perpendicular to the hotel.

The hotel develops in terraced levels that either extend the natural slope of the land (to the south) or project out over the landscape (to the east, west, and north), engaging with the surrounding tree canopies. The villas, staggered in their alignments, blend with the pine forest, establishing an organic relationship with the topography.

This project evokes other historical hotel complexes that in the 1960s spread over the Algarve cliffs, focusing on the quality and diversity of their architectures.

Pedra Líquida